Difficulty - Medium

Program to check whether x ( 2 <= x <= 10^100) is divisible by y ( 2 <= y <= 10^6)

Given a number, return the next multiple of 64 that follows it, using bit operations and no loops. e.g input = 90, return 128.

Implement an algorithm to print all valid combination of n – pairs of parentheses properly opened and closed.

Non-Recursive implementation of Preorder Traversal in a binary Tree / BST.

Non-Recursive implementation of Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree/ BST.

Non-Recursive Implementation of Post order traversal in BInary Tree/ BST.

Given a character array as input. Array contains only three types of characters 'R', 'G' and 'B'. Sort the array such that all 'R's comes before 'G's and all 'G's comes before 'B's. Constraint: - No extra space allowed (except O(1) space like variables) and minimize the time complexity. You can only traverse the array once.


Given an array of arbitrary integers, count the no. of inversion pairs where inversion pair is defined as A[i] > A[j] and i < j .

Boundary traversal or printing border nodes of a binary tree.

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