Saturday, 9 March 2013

Add 2 linked lists where each node represents a digit of the number formed by the linked lists.


     LinkedList1 : 7 -> 4 -> 6 -> 9 -> 3
     LinkedList2 :          2 -> 5 -> 4
     SumList : 7 -> 4 -> 9 -> 4 -> 7
     LinkedList1 :     1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
     LinkedList2 : 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 8
     SumList : 5 -> 5 -> 5 -> 6 -> 2
     LinkedList1 :     8 -> 7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 4
     LinkedList2 :     4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0
     SumList : 1 -> 3 -> 0 -> 8 -> 6 -> 4


class linkedList
         * This function returns the difference in length of both the linkedLists.
         * If length of linkedList1 is greater than length of linkedList2 then +ve difference in no. of elements returned.
         * If length of linkedList1 is less tahn length of linkededList2 then -ve difference in no. of elements is returned.
         * If both the linkedLists have equal no. of nodes then 0 is returned.
         public int getLengthDifference(node ptr1, node ptr2)
                int lengthList = 0;
                while(ptr2 != null)
                return lengthList;
         * This function requires "START" node of both the linkedLists.
         * start refers to start node of linkedList which called this function (list1 in our case)
         * startList2 gets start node of second linkedList.
         * It returns new linkedList object which is sum of both the linked lists.
         public linkedList getSumOfLinkedLists(node startList2)
                int diff = getLengthDifference(start, startList2);
                linkedList sum = new linkedList();
                if(addLinkedLists(start, startList2, diff,sum) == 1)
                return sum;
         * To overcome difference in lenths of linkedLists "integer n" is passed to this function.
         * n = difference in length of LinkedList1 and LinkedList2.
         * n > 0 => LinkedList1 > linkedList2 so only elements of linkedList1 should be incremented until n =0  ( n = n-1 ).
         * n < 0 => LinkedList2 > LinkedList1 so only elements of linkedList2 should be incremented until n = 0 ( n = n+1 ).
         * n =0  => Equal elements now both lists should be incremented.
         public int addLinkedLists(node ptr1, node ptr2, int n,linkedList sumList)
                if(ptr1 != null && ptr2 != null)
                      int val = 0;
                      int sum = 0;
                      if(n > 0)
                      val = addLinkedLists(ptr1.getNext(), ptr2, n-1 , sumList);
                      sum = ptr1.getData() + val;
                      else if(n < 0)
                      val = addLinkedLists(ptr1, ptr2.getNext(), n+1 , sumList);
                      sum =  ptr2.getData() + val;
                      val = addLinkedLists(ptr1.getNext(), ptr2.getNext(), n , sumList);
                      sum = ptr1.getData()+ptr2.getData()+val ;
                      return sum/10;
                return 0;
         public static void main(String args[])
                linkedList list1 = new linkedList();
                linkedList list2 = new linkedList();
                //Insert elements in list1 and list2.
                System.out.println("\nLIST AFTER ADDITION");
                linkedList l = list1.getSumOfLinkedLists(list2.getStart());

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