/* * Compiler always represent expression in postfix Notation. * Shunting yard algorithm is used for this conversion. * It can be used to convert to Prefix also. * Reverse Input string. * Use shunting yard algorith. * Reverse the output string */ #include <iostream> #include <stack> using namespace std; string output = ""; stack<int> operatorStack; // Attach integer value with each operand. // Same precedence operator share same int. value. // ( paren has least value. int getPrecedence(char ch) { switch(ch) { case '*' : return 2; case '+' : return 1; case '/' : return 2; case '-' : return 1; case '(' : return 0; } } // Get precedence of current as well as stack top element. // If current precedence is greater or equal then return true // else return false bool greaterPrecedenceThanStackTop(char ch) { int topPrecedence = getPrecedence(operatorStack.top()); int charPrecedence = getPrecedence(ch); if(charPrecedence >= topPrecedence) return true; return false; } bool isOperand(char ch) { switch(ch) { case '+' : return true; case '-' : return true; case '*' : return true; case '/' : return true; default : return false; } } bool isParen(char ch) { if(ch == '(' || ch == ')') return true; return false; } // If opening paren push it to operator stack. // Else Pop operators from operator stack to output string. // until operning paren is popped. void scannedParen(char ch) { if(ch == '(') { cout<<"\n\tPUSH ( TO OPERATOR STACK"; operatorStack.push(ch); } else { while(!operatorStack.empty() && operatorStack.top() != '(') { cout<<"\n\tPOP AND ADD TO OUTPUT "<<char(operatorStack.top()); output += operatorStack.top(); operatorStack.pop(); } if(!operatorStack.empty()) { cout<<"\n\tPOP ("; operatorStack.pop(); } } } // If stack is empty push operator. // If operator has same or higher precedence than stack[top] push operator. // Else pop operators until stack is empty or stack[top] has equal or less precedence // Than current operator. void scannedOperator(char ch) { if(operatorStack.empty()) { cout<<"\n\tPUSH TO OPERATOR STACK"; operatorStack.push(ch); return; } if(greaterPrecedenceThanStackTop(ch)) { cout<<"\n\tPUSH TO OPERATOR STACK"; operatorStack.push(ch); } else { while(!greaterPrecedenceThanStackTop(ch) && !operatorStack.empty()) { cout<<"\n\tPOP "<<char(operatorStack.top()); output += operatorStack.top(); operatorStack.pop(); } cout<<"\n\tPUSH "<<ch; operatorStack.push(ch); } } //Copy all operators from operatroStack to output string. void flushStack() { while(!operatorStack.empty()) { char c = operatorStack.top(); cout<<"\n\tCOPY "<<c<<" TO OUTPUT"; operatorStack.pop(); if(c == '(') continue; output += c; } } //Separate operators, parenthesis and Operands. //Call appropriate function accordingly. void scanInput(string input) { string operand = ""; for(int i=0 ; i< input.length(); i++) { char ch = input[i]; cout<<"\n\nCURRENT CHAR = "<<ch; if(isParen(ch)) { output += operand; operand = ""; scannedParen(ch); } else if(isOperand(ch)) { output += operand; operand = ""; scannedOperator(ch); } else { cout<<"\n\tCOPY TO OUTPUT STRING"; operand += ch; } } cout<<"\n\nEND OF INPUT : FLUSH STACK"; output += operand; flushStack(); } int main() { string input = "a+(b+c*(e/f)+d)*g"; cout<<"INFIX NOTATION : "<<input; scanInput(input); cout<<"\n\nPOSTFIX NOTATION : "<<output<<endl; system("pause"); } /* OUTPUT ------- INFIX NOTATION : a+(b+c*(e/f)+d)*g CURRENT CHAR = a COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = + PUSH TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = ( PUSH ( TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = b COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = + PUSH TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = c COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = * PUSH TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = ( PUSH ( TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = e COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = / PUSH TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = f COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = ) POP AND ADD TO OUTPUT / POP ( CURRENT CHAR = + POP * PUSH + CURRENT CHAR = d COPY TO OUTPUT STRING CURRENT CHAR = ) POP AND ADD TO OUTPUT + POP AND ADD TO OUTPUT + POP ( CURRENT CHAR = * PUSH TO OPERATOR STACK CURRENT CHAR = g COPY TO OUTPUT STRING END OF INPUT : FLUSH STACK COPY * TO OUTPUT COPY + TO OUTPUT POSTFIX NOTATION : abcef/*d++g*+ */
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Convert Infix expression to Post/Pre fix.
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