Steps of Dynamic Programming
- Define Sub problems
Break a problem into sub-problems.Usually this is the tough part, identifying sub problems is half job done. - Guess Part of solution.Guess a solution of the sub-problem and the trick is don't just try any guess, try them all.
- Recurrence Relation.
Most important step.Once you have identified the sub-problems, the recurrence relation will be trivial. - Recurse + MemoizeStep-4 and step-5 will follow once completed first 3 steps.
- Solve original Problem
Use solution to sub-problems to solve the original problem.
Running Time
Running Time = No. of Sub-problems . Time/sub-problem
consider worked out example for Edit Distance Problem.
Given two strings X and Y and set of operations replace (R), insert (I) and delete (D) all at equal cost. Find minimum number of edits (operations) required to convert one string into another.
Suffix of X => X[i:]
Suffix of Y => Y[j:]
Considering length of X (|X|) = m and length of Y(|Y|) = n.
Total No. of Sub-problems = O(|X||Y|) = O(mn).
From current position 3 decisions can be taken,
Replace X[i] -> Y[j] and advance both i and j.
Insert Y[j] and advance j.
Delete X[i] and advance i.
At current position select the minimum cost operation, out of all 3 operations.
DP(i,j) = min( REPLACE_COST(X[i],Y[j]) + DP(i+1,j+1) , INSERT_COST(Y[j]) + DP(i,j+1), COST_DELETE(X[i] ) + DP(i+1,j))
Solve Original Problem
DP(m,n) = Minimum cost.
Running Time
No. of Subproblems = O(mn)
Time/Subproblem = O(1).
Running Time = O(mn).
I recommend going through MIT lectures on Dynamic Programming.